Pens, pencils and three-ring binders are tried-and-true staples, but make sure your child's school year is a healthy one, too, with:

Aluminum Water Bottle

Help your child swap out sugary drinks for water by giving him a cool bottle. Skip the plastic kind and you'll be doing your part for the environment.

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Kids walk more when they're wearing this nifty gadget, and research proves it.

Bento Lunchbox

These handy compartmentalized lunchboxes make it easy for you to pack cut veggies, salads and other nutritious lunch options.

Backpack on Wheels

If your kid's backpack is bigger than he is, consider going mobile with a rolling version. Experts say kids shouldn't carry more than 15% of their body weight, but we know that's not always possible. Hello, wheels!

Hand Sanitizer

What an easy way to cut down on sick days (for you and the kids)! Stock up on the little, packable bottles.