As Thanksgiving fast approaches, chances are you're either super excited to get in the kitchen for 8+ hours the night before and the day of, or you're dreading preparing an entire feast for your ravenous loved ones (who may or may not feel like critiquing the sweet potatoes you literally took three hours to perfect).

If you fall into the latter category, listen up: BuzzFeed has whipped up a Thanksgiving dinner idea that sounds outrageous but actually works. Culinary genius Lauren Zaser concocted an experiment to see if she could cook every food that makes Turkey Day great in one Crock Pot. Yes, that includes turkey, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, mashed potatoes, stuffing and cranberry sauce. It may sound like it would be impossible to pull off, and even Zaser herself wasn't sure if these layered ingredients would come out of the pot tasting as scrumptious as her mom's homemade cooking—but sure enough the feast ended up tasting pretty darn delicious.

Dish, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Produce, Recipe, Comfort food, Snack, American food, pinterest icon
Lauren Zaser/Buzzfeed

If you dare, try it out yourself this Thanksgiving Day—you can find Lauren's full recipe here. Having more time on your hands to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is never a bad thing, after all. Or, you know, having extra time to argue with your opinionated relatives. Cheers!

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[via BuzzFeed