Home cooks, say hello to your new favorite weeknight dinner staple! Almost a year after the launch of its frozen veggie tots and riced veggie products (and just in time to kick start our healthy eating new year's resolutions), Green Giant has announced the arrival of its low-calorie, low-carb frozen veggie noodles.

The brand's new spiral noodles, which hit freezer aisles this month, are made from zucchini, carrots, butternut squash, and beets, which all clock in at just 15 to 50 calories per serving. Green Giant is the first company to make frozen spiralized veggie noodles that will be available in grocery stores nationwide, according to Markets Insider.

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Each type of noodle is gluten-free and offers around 65 to 90 percent fewer calories than typical pasta, which means you can load up your bowl and stay on track with your weight-loss goals. Just swap out the noodles in your favorite Italian recipes like chicken carbonara, spaghetti bolognese, or fettuccine alfredo, and substitute the veggie noodles instead.

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"Green Giant Veggie Spirals are the latest progression in our Veggie Swap-Ins line, and perhaps our most-anticipated innovation to date," Green Giant Vice President Jordan Greenberg said in a statement. Just pop 'em in the microwave to heat them up or throw 'em in a pan to sauté, and these frozen noodles will be ready to be paired with your favorite sauces, meats, veggies, and more. You can find them in the frozen food section of your local grocery start starting later this month.

(h/t Markets Insider)

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Jessica Leigh Mattern
Web Editor
Jessica Leigh Mattern is a web editor and writer who covers home, holiday, DIY, crafts, travel, and more lifestyle topics. Prior to working for Country Living, she wrote for several lifestyle and women’s magazines including Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan, and Redbook