Now that you’re no longer experiencing night sweats and hot flashes and have transitioned into menopause, it’s a perfect time to focus on some of the health issues you may face at this vibrant time of your life. It’s also a time to be empowered.

“I want women to embrace this phase of life,” says Rebecca Brightman, MD, assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN and reproductive science at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. “Instead of fearing menopause, I want women to optimize it and find a doctor you can communicate with who can help get you through this stage of life.”

Read on as we delve into some of the changes you might be experiencing, and how to combat them.

#1: Vaginal changes

As estrogen levels decline, you’re likely to experience some unpleasant vaginal issues, which can include itching and burning. “Some women start to have symptoms within the first few years of when they stopped menstruating,” Dr. Brightman says. Technically called vaginal atrophy, these symptoms are a result of the vaginal walls thinning and becoming dry and inflamed due to the dip in hormones, Dr. Brightman says.

What you can do

“It’s important for women to talk to their healthcare providers to get some relief,” Dr. Brightman tells us. Treatment options can include a hormone-based vaginal insert or a vaginal estrogen cream, she adds.

#2: Painful sex

Your sex life may begin to dip at this phase of your life—not because of a lack of desire necessarily but because sex itself is painful due, again, to a dip in circulating estrogen, Dr. Brightman says. “Sexual function is so important in terms of well-being and women shouldn’t see menopause as the end of having sexual desire or being less desirable,” Dr. Brightman says.

What you can do

To find ways to treat the pain, Dr. Brightman recommends having a discussion with your healthcare provider about using prescription vaginal estrogen creams, inserts, or pills. You can also try OTC lubricants, which will work during intercourse but won’t have long-lasting effects or get to the root of the problem.

#3: Cardiac issues

In the years after menopause, you’ll want to focus on your heart health. Before the age of 55, women have a lower risk of heart disease than men, according to the Office on Women’s Health, as estrogen helps to keep blood vessels open and keeps good and bad cholesterol in balance. With less circulating estrogen, cholesterol may begin building up on artery walls. “This is the time in life when women are at an increased risk of changes in their cholesterol levels, developing high blood pressure, and an onset of heart palpitations,” Dr. Brightman says.

What you can do

Ask your internist for tests that can provide a glimpse at your cardiovascular health. “They should look at your lab values and make suggestions of what to do to treat any health issues that have come up,” Dr. Brightman says.

#4: A change in bone density

In the first five years after menopause, Dr. Brightman says, it’s not uncommon to lose a good deal of bone density due to the dip in estrogen.

What you can do

To help your bones stay strong, make sure you get 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 800-1,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Getting regular physical activity or exercise on most days can also help protect against osteoporosis.

Working with an MD is another smart move, Dr. Brightman says. You should speak to your healthcare provider about your bone health ASAP if you have a family history of osteoporosis, which causes your bones to become brittle and weak, Dr. Brightman says. It’s also a good idea to connect with your MD if you have a personal history of fracture, or if you’re a smoker, drink alcohol, or have had to take steroids, since these things can negatively impact bone health.

Based on your health history and age, your doctor may recommend a bone density scan, which measures calcium and other minerals in your bones to determine their strength and thickness. Knowledge is power—and the first step toward staying on top of your bone health.

#5: Weight struggles

During menopause, you may notice that you’re gaining weight, despite making zero changes to your diet and exercise regimen. “Due to dips in estrogen many women have issues with metabolism at menopause,” Dr. Brightman says. “Weight also tends to distribute differently and appears in your mid-section which can increase your cardiac risk factors.”

What you can do

To stave off weight gain during this life stage, Mayo Clinic experts recommend strength training at least twice a week to combat the decline in muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the easier it is for your body to maintain a healthy weight. Cutting back on about 200 calories a day can also help. That might mean skipping your daily glass of red wine or skipping that extra serving of Oreos—nothing too major (thankfully!).

#6: Drier skin and hair

Within the first five years of menopause, women lose 30 percent of their collagen, and, for many women, this can lead to changes in the texture of their skin. You may also experience hair loss on your head and unwanted hair on your chin and above your lip, due to hormone changes at menopause. “Your skin can become dryer and your hair can also become dryer and thin out,” Dr. Brightman says.

What you can do

Your best bet: Speak to a board-certified dermatologist about the treatment options that may work for you.